Monday, January 30, 2023

What causes vision loss and hearing loss? Is it because of loud music or yelling?

Hearing loss is caused by exposure to noise. This damage can be temporary or permanent. The more time you spend in these noisy environments, the greater your risk for hearing loss. The risk of hearing loss varies depending on the noise level and length of exposure. Some kinds of jobs make some workers more likely to experience hair cell damage and even hearing loss.

Temporary or Permanent Hearing Loss

Hearing loss could be temporary or it could be permanent. The longer your ears are exposed to excessive noise levels, the more likely it is that you may experience permanent hearing loss. Despite the messages of social media, hearing loss is not normal. It is a condition you must treat so you can maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy future.

Hearing loss occurs when sound waves enter your ears and damage the sensitive tissues of your ears. The louder the sound, and longer you are exposed to the sound, the more likely you are to experience noise-induced hearing loss. It’s a gradual process that develops over time. The amount of hearing you lose depends on how long and how loud your exposure is.


Damaged Hair Cells Are Major Cause Of Hearing Loss

You can experience significant hearing loss before you notice any change. By the time you realize you have a problem, the damage is often done. Although hearing loss from a single loud event is unlikely, repeated exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss. If you or someone you know suffers from temporary hearing loss after attending an overly loud event, proper protection should be used in the future to prevent further damage.

Noise Is Damaging Nerves in Your Ears

As the most important sense, hearing is a barometer for good mental and physical health. Although it’s often taken for granted, everyday sounds such as the ringing of a telephone or voices can help you stay connected and independent. But when your hearing suffers, many benefits are lost. Hearing loss is a hidden disability that you may have to confront sooner than you think. A puretone audiogram can help doctors evaluate your balance between loud and soft sounds in every frequency range. If a loss is found, a hearing aid can compensate for this imbalance and reduce your risk of feeling isolated or discriminated against.



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